The Problem

Traditional construction is complicated, expensive, and time consuming. At Capsule, we decided there has to be a better way.


Our Solution


Our background in engineering and design inspired our idea for a new kind of construction. We’re reinventing the way high-cost, utility-dense projects are built. We design, manufacture, and install prefabricated modular products for trade-dense workplace, hospitality, and residential spaces.

With Capsule, you get custom design, consulting, equipment specification, cabinet makers, plumbers, electricians, finish carpenters, installation, and documentation all under one roof. Our process simplifies the construction process, clarifies pricing, and guarantees on-time delivery. Now that’s a better way.



Our Team


Chad Bowker


With a Masters in Finance from Georgetown University and a 15 years of supply chain experience at Boeing, Chad oversees the company from product offering to P&L. 

Wade Wright


With a mechanical engineering degree from UCSD and experience in both the defense and energy industries, Wade oversees detailed product design and manufacturing. 


All photos by Digital Rover